FOOD PANTRY: Calhoun UMC operates a food pantry that currently serves 40 families per week or 250 individuals per month.  In addition to providing food, the pantry provides  baby items, eyeglasses and reading material.  The pantry is open every other Thursday morning til noon. 

MUSIC MINISTRY:  Music and singing has long been cherished by the church.  At Calhoun UMC, individuals have the opportunity to participate in the church and chime choirs.  

SCOUTING: Calhoun United Methodist Church sponsors Troop    616 for Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts.  The scouting  program at Calhoun UMC is one of the most active in the district.  Boy Scout troop 616 is proud of the number of Eagle Scouts that the troop has produced.  Scouts meet on Monday and Tuesday nights at the church.  For more information on the scouting program visit their website at

CHILDREN: The children of Calhoun United Methodist meet each Sunday morning for Rotation Sunday School. During this time, they learn Bible stories through the use of the computer lab, a children's theater, and the media center. Calhoun UMC complies with the safe sanctuary policy of the United Methodist Church.

OUR FATHER'S GARDEN:  The members of Calhoun UMC maintain a beautiful garden park adjacent to the church.  This small park serves as a place for weddings, church and community events.